Sunday, January 08, 2006


My mother always told me I was very rash as a child. I do not think I was a bad kid, I just occasionally neglected to think before acting. I remember once in fifth grade, I thought it would be funny to carve two names on the blackboard, since my friend seemed to like this one boy. Needless to say, I got a berated for vandalizing school property. In eighth grade, I on a whim started telling students who had history after me that there was a pop quiz and they had to know X, Y, and Z. The history teacher was standing right behind me. I got a zero on that quiz.

Yeah, not too smart. I'd like to think I grew out of my child-like ways. And if I didn't, then I'd like to think I've evolved from brash to spontaneous, impulsive, and brazen. Okay, and maybe with a dash of rash.

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