Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So I'm sitting in my apartment last night, fretting over how I'm going to ask #3 out that very night. I have to be casual yet cool yet friendly yet non-desperate. Easy, right? As I'm doing quantum dating-calculus in my head, my phone rings. I look at the name. It's #3.

I let it ring a couple more times (more like I was spazzing so much I couldn't flip open the phone for a good ten seconds). I pick-up and breathe the casual yet cool yet friendly yet non-desperate "hello?" "Hi," he says, "it's [#3]." Of course I know it is him, but I reply "Oh, hi!" And so he asks me what I'm doing now, and I say "Oh, nothing." He says how he is thinking of grabbing some dinner and asks me if I would be interested in joining him. Of course I am. He tells me he'll be picking me up in about 35 minutes. Great. Sounds great. We hang up.

I neglected to mention that I had already eaten dinner. Also, this doesn't leave me enough time to hop into the shower and get dolled up, so I just doll up. Look cute, but not too cute, just effortlessly cute.

We go to one of those hole-in-the-wall Thai restaurants and chat away. He is looking very cute and is still the same charming funny guy I met on our first date. After dinner, he drives me home, opens the car door for me, and lets me out. We are standing outside on my street in front of my building. I am on the elevated curb, and he is on the street. It's a drizzly night now, and the street lights with the drizzle make everything seem kind of dreamy. I look at him, smile, and say "Well I had a great time. Thank you for dinner. This was a lot of fun." He semi-smiles and gives me that "uh huh" look. And I smile...and wait...and wait...(in my mind, I am leaning forward and closing my eyes).

"I gotta get back," he says to me and points to his running car, just in case I don't know what he's talking about. "Call me," he adds, and proceeds to hop into his car and drive away.

I'm standing on the curb, stunned. Okay, a kiss was optimistic, but no hug or even polite handshake? What did I do wrong? I revisited every discussion on our date to figure out what I did that turned him off so much that the thought of just shaking my hand repulsed him. My guy friend thinks that he was just very shy and awkward. I honestly have no idea.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Yes, your boy cretainly sounds very shy. I'm sure that's all it is. He wouldn't have asked you out if he didn't like you. Guys don't choose to spend time with people they don't like. I'm happy for you. Hope this works out at least for a while!

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