Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just wrong

Last week I talked about having balls. I had given a random guy my number on Saturday May 20. After I hadn't heard from him by the following Thursday, I gave up. I resisted writing another self-deprecating, woe-is-single-me entry in this blog and just went on my merry way pining after an elusive guy. Then this last Saturday at 9:12 PM, I get a voicemail message from the guy asking me what I was up to this weekend. Saturday night. 9:12 PM. My friend was like, "Two words: Booty call." Obviously he didn't care for me enough to call me earlier in the week. I wasn't that crazy about him to begin with. And it didn't help that he called me by the wrong name. So I thought, "Screw it."

The following Monday, he calls me again, leaving me a message asking me if I want to grab dinner later or have lunch that week. I ignore it.

Tuesday around noon, he calls me again. No message.

Wednesday (today) he calls me AGAIN. No message.

I'm confused. The guy waits 7 days to call me (and yes, maybe his mom died, his phone was dropped in the toilet, all the cellular towers in the city exploded at the same time, etc.). Then he leaves two messages and calls me twice after that. Not to mention, he calls me by the wrong name. Something tells me he's not one of the Ones.

Why is it that all the right guys are wrong and all the wrong guys are wrong?

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