Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another yellow gal's rants

I finally found someone interested in seeing Margaret Cho with me. The Naysayer tentatively agreed to cross various state lines to watch the show. Recently I saw Ms. Cho's DVD, "Assassin" which was filmed in D.C. It's interesting--I don't agree with everything she says, but she is so charismatic that I feel like I want to. Before watching the DVD, I considered myself a liberal moderate / moderate liberal. But dang, that woman is LIB-bral. A couple things she said:

o Bush would be Hitler...if he applied himself.
Disagree. Bush is not trying to annihilate an entire population of people via mass executions and concentration camps. I mentioned this to the Naysayer (who is Jewish) and surprisingly, he didn't entirely disagree with Ms. Cho. The N said that while Bush may not be advocating genocide, his political tactics in suppressing those who disagree with him, violating civil rights, and hating Muslims (to name a few) are akin to Hitler's. Bold statement.

o People who enjoy the show "Will and Grace" but are against gay marriage are lame/stupid/hypocritical. She said you can't pick and choose what you enjoy out of gay culture and leave the burden of their discrimination to them.
I never thought of this, but she has a point. It is akin to the 50s, when white people, adoring the black music, the rock 'n roll, the jazz, would say "I love your music, but can you not drink from my water fountain? Thanks. Now let's do the twist!"

Those were a couple observations I made. Okay sorry to get all political. I try not to get too political in my blog b/c I feel like I know little to nothing about politics. All right, back to banal musings about boys, about which I know even less.

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