Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Back in the game (sort of)

I went to a few professional events last week and made new friendly acquaintances. After one event, a bunch of us went out to shoot pool. Interestingly, it was four married guys and four single girls. That show I habitually quote from, "Sex & the City," once said that married men are the city's untapped resource of eligible bachelors. Befriend the married men, meet their single friends. I relayed this idea to the other girls and we began asking the guys if they had any cool single friends. My pool partner said he'd think about it, which I interpreted as, "Yeah yeah okay, now stop nagging me, woman."

Much to my surprise, my pool partner called me on Friday asking me if I wanted to go on a blind date with a "really cool" guy. At first I was hesitant. First, I have never been on a blind date. Second, I just met my pool parnter a few days ago. Now he was setting me up with a guy? But I'm open-minded. And if I'm willing to try dating guys from online or bars, I might as well try a blind date.

Blind Date Guy called me last night and we ended up talking for an hour. It was a pleasant conversation, nothing out of this world. We're meeting on Saturday for lunch. I may have been too presumptive, but to relieve any pressure, I blabbed something like "Never having been on a blind date, I know that the worst thing that could happen is we meet up and just don't click on that level. But it never hurts to meet new people." He agreed.

Interesting thing is, Blind Date Guy (BDG) is not only Asian, but of the same ethnicity. I haven't dated, let alone gone on a date with, a guy of my ethnicity since like 1998. I guess lately I've been dating white guys (with the exception of Online Guys # 3 (half white, half Colombian) & 4 (Chinese)). BDG came to the U.S. when he was in elementary school, and from speaking with him on the phone, I could discern a very slight shading of his ethnic accent. He is fluent in his native tongue while I am so not. So perhaps it is no surprise that I felt so...white speaking to him. Nonetheless, BDG described himself as a "twinkie," while I am a "banana." (Apparently, there is a difference between a twinkie and a banana, but that's another blog entry.)

Whenever a relationship fails, I always wonder, "What am I doing wrong?" I always try to find patterns in my dating style so I can learn from my mistakes. After ending things with the Guy, I realized that I hadn't dated a guy of my ethnicity in a while and began wondering what it would be like dating someone with the same cultural background, same Asian American experiences, etc.

Then my married pool friend comes through.

So strange how life works. We'll see what happens I suppose.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Good for you for saying yes to the blind date! Girls are always complaining that they can never meet guys and here someone comes through for you. Have fun!

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