Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To make a choice

I am looking for a new apartment. I just visited my first potential apartment this evening and I really liked it. There were a few little things that piqued my concern, e.g. paying extra for gas, having to buy AC units, etc. But it was a lovely place in a lovely location at a solid price.

However it was the first apartment I looked at. I know it's a great deal, but I can't help but think maybe there's a better apartment out there at an equal price, or an equal apartment at a better price. Maybe I should look around more.

Then I realized something: This is exactly how I treat every aspect of my life, from guys to jobs. I always think maybe there's someone or something better out there. Maybe I'm settling for what I have and can do better. Everyone wants to maximize their happiness at the least amount of cost and risk to themselves. How do we foresee the future? How do we know anything for sure? Every decision we make seems to involve some risk, some chance for failure and misery. And that thought is so terrifying to me that it makes me hesitate before making a choice.

So the saying goes "he who hesitates is lost." If I wait too long before deciding, then I lose the apartment. And if I find nothing better, then I'll be kicking myself for letting it go. Yet "haste makes waste." If I decide on this apartment and then find a better one later on, I'd kick myself just as hard. What's a gal to do?

Of course I know I shouldn't let my fears paralyze me from making choices. And sometimes I have to have a little faith that things will work out in the end. Even if it is a little scary.

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