Saturday, March 04, 2006

One of those days

For some inexplicable reason, every so often a person will wake up in a shitty mood. The rest of the day is then clouded by shittiness. Like most humans, the person will want to be upbeat. Yet on these shitty days, it literally takes physical and mental effort to "make" onself upbeat. Then the person becomes resentful because it takes so much goddamn effort to be happy and gets pissed on top of feeling shitty. So the anger and the thick heaviness of a bad mood mingle and accumulate throughout the day, with occasional reminders to one's self that one ought to be grateful because there are starving people in Africa. (For some reason, this fact has never successfully guilted the person into being happy.)

So the day is just one of those days. Shitty.

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