Monday, March 20, 2006

In a funk

There are a variety of ways to deal with a funk. My girlfriend and I were thinking of going out tonight despite it being a school night. She and this guy she was dating broke up just today, and she's heart-broken over it. I have my problems as described below. So we were wondering what two bummed-out chicks should do on a Monday night. We could stay in, bawl our eyes out, and eat ice cream and pizza while watching "Pretty Woman." Or we could go out to a low-key venue, like a pool hall, and just try to have fun.

What to do with a funk. Indulge it in a vegetative state to get it out of one's system? Or try to make the best of it by having fun?

I suppose if we had the answer to that, the anti-depressant drug industry wouldn't be as booming as it is now.

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