Friday, April 07, 2006

The wonderfully opaque mind

Ever since I was a little girl, I have often wondered what it would be like if we could read each other's minds. We wouldn't be able to lie anymore. "No you don't look fat in that" would contradict the mind signal indicating "You look like a cow in spandex."

I wonder how this would affect our romantic relationships. Would we still play these mind games? I'm guessing no. Most of the games we play are facades as to what we really feel and what we really want to do. And if we could really read each other's minds, saying "I'll call later this week maybe" would translate to "I really want to call you tomorrow, tonight if I can, because I like you."

But instead of acting in sync with our feelings, we (and that "we" includes me) lie with our actions. Pretend to be only mildly interested. Resist calling two days in a row. Appear to be unavailable.

The Guy just called me back. Today. Friday. The only day I could have hung out with him. How lame is that? Calling a girl to hang out on Friday ... ON FRIDAY. He sounded uneasy on the phone, and I asked what was wrong. He then said he "felt bad" for not returning my call until today and apologized. I asked what happened. He told me he came in late on Wednesday (the day I called) and Thursday he just lounged around doing nothing. (Incidentally guys, "lounging around doing nothing" is the PERFECT excuse for not calling a girl back sooner.) Instead of giving him more shit, I said "Okay. Apology accepted."

Then he asked me what I was doing tonight. I told him I had plans with a girlfriend. I confess I relented to my neediness a bit because then I added "Oh but she flakes out a lot, so if she flakes out, maybe I'll give you a call?" And he gave me this weird-ass response along the lines of sure-but-only-if-you-want-to.

What the F? I know it's probably stupid of me to try to apply reason and logic to every human action. I don't get why he didn't call me until now. I don't get why he thinks he can just call me on Friday and ask me what I'm doing Friday night. I understand he feels "bad" about it. But why do it in the first place? Lame.

At any rate, I kind of hope my girlfriend does NOT flake out so I can demonstrate what happens if you play these stupid mind games.

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