Thursday, April 06, 2006

Neurotic rambling #23,481

Of course the moment I realize I might actually like someone, I start getting insecure and neurotic. So the last time I saw the Guy (Tuesday), I asked him if he wanted to do something later this week. He said sure, call him.

The Naysayer advised that calling the Guy the next day (Wednesday) wouldn't be clingy because we've been in a "thing" for several weeks now (I won't call it a relationship yet). So I call the Guy on Wednesday, get his voicemail and so leave a message to call me back.

He hasn't. It's Thursday evening now. And my cell phone is sitting on my lap, displaying the time instead of the caller ID bearing his name.

I'm pretty sure he likes me. And he is very blunt, so if he had a problem, he would say so. I began extrapolating scenarios as to what might have happened--maybe he didn't get my voicemail, maybe his phone broke, maybe something happened to him. (Yes I know there's a fine line between deeply concerned and deeply disturbed.)

To torture myself more, I went to to peruse articles on what men are supposed to do when courting a gal. The self-named "Doc Love" tells guys to be a "Challenge" to women.

One guy asked Doc Love how to deal with this chick he had been dating for several weeks. At one point, the girl had called him and left a message. He "stayed cool and didn't call her back." And after FOUR days of him not returning her voicemail message, she called him again.

Dude--why would a guy wait at least FOUR days before returning a girl's call after already dating for several weeks? Doc Love says that "You've got to learn to become more mysterious and less available.... In love, you do not get what you deserve, but what you negotiate." And at the end of his response, Doc Love adds his coy one-liner: "Remember, guys, you gotta keep 'em guessing."

That is, play games. Be elusive. Torture the girl.

That's just great. I love games, especially as they pertain to my ego and heart. Well I can take solace in the fact that if I never hear from the Guy ever again, at least I wasn't that attached. (Right.)

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