Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Swedish Fish

They beckoned me from their small opened box atop the edge of a secretary's cubicle. Green, red, yellow and orange, they lay against each other, still and hopeful. A crude sign bore the words "HELP YOURSELF!" in scrawled black marker. I looked at them. They looked at me.

"No," I said to them.

"Please. We are so delicious. You deserve a break."

"No," I repeated sternly.

Each time I walked by their lair, they called out to me, coaxed me, yelled at me. "Just one," they said in unison. "Just one!"

"If I take one, then I will have to take one of each color," I reasoned. "So no."

Other onlookers could not resist their siren songs and grabbed them and popped them into their mouths, savoring the yummy sweetness. But where others failed, I will succeed. They're still there now, calling out to me. But I will resist them.

I will resist.

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