Monday, April 10, 2006

Babying the baby

I was sitting on the train after work when in front of me, I beheld a small child straddling his mother's right knee. He was wriggling uncomfortably and wailing intermittently. Then out of nowhere he began bawling and screeching.

I had my usual thoughts of "If only they invented a sound neutralizer" or "Man, I am so not ready to have kids yet." Then I wondered, what would it be like if your sole method of communicating anything to the outside world was crying? You couldn't speak, you couldn't write, and you couldn't understand anything anyone was saying. All you could do to communicate "I'm hungry" or "Change my diaper" was to cry. Otherwise, you'd starve or sit on your soil.

After musing over that sequence of thoughts, I felt more sympathetic for the child, despite the ear-rattling screaming. As babied as they are, babies have it tough.

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