Friday, June 23, 2006

Entrepreneurial amorality at its best (or worst)

The other day, a friend forwarded me a link to this company called the AlibiNetwork. It's a service that will go to all lengths to concoct alibis for you if you want to have a discrete affair, lie on your resume or even break up with someone without the messiness.

Some clips from their website:

Having a Discreet Affair?
We invent, create and provide alibis and excuses for attached adults involved in discreet relationships.

Impression Services?
What is your dream job? Would you like to create an impression that you have that job? How about having your own executive assistant?

Rescue Call Services?
The phone call from us to communicate any information you desire or to help you escape any situations such as dull meetings, bad dates or other unnecessary commitments that need to be cut short or cancelled.

Break Up?
Do you need to start a new relationship or stop an unwanted one without feeling uncomfortable?

How crazy is this? I can't believe this service exists, but at the same, I am not surprised. There's definitely a demand for this kind of service, and it's the American capitalistic spirit to meet that demand in amoral style.

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