Friday, February 24, 2006

The end of a non-friendship

After careful consideration, I've decided to release my Toxic Friend from the position of "Yellow Gal's Friend." I was on the phone with him the other day and was listening to yet another one of his pathologically narcissistic analyses on his life and how everything in the world is solely about him, when he added the final nail/straw by adding a sarcastic cutting insult. He is "The Big Baby" + "The Cutter."

Yep. That's the end of that friendship.

So one may wonder, why would a rational girl put up with such toxicity? Now, if someone were pure evil and hate, a rational girl would simply avoid befriending the person in the first place. The Toxic Friend however has genuinely enticing qualities. For example, s/he may be a fun person, someone so hilarious and charming that it makes you shrug off the fact that s/he insults you every so often.

In my case, my TF did several very generous acts for me. When I was in a tough spot and no one else was there for me, TF pulled through. He can also be pretty funny and witty. Moreover, when he pissed me off in the past, I mentally demoted him to "Friendly Acquaintance" from "Friend" which made it easier for me to rationalize staying in touch with him.

But after several years of friendship, moving back and forth between Friendly Acquaintance and Friend several times, and feeling hurt whenever he said something hurtful to me while in the Friend stage, I have concluded that this is it.

Life's too short to waste it on people who aren't worth it.

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