Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My phobia

Many people suffer from the debilitating effects of phobias. Symptoms include sweating, shortness of breath, and chest pain, to name a few. Fears can range from Arachnophobia, the common fear of spiders, to Arachibutyrophobia, the more obscure fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth.

I think I have a fear of very attractive guys, which apparently is missing from the Phobia List. There is the fear of staying single, Anuptaphobia, and the fear of the opposite sex, Heterophobia. But no fear of very attractive guys.

I experience the debilitating symptoms when near a very attractive guy. Sweating, shortness of breath and chest pain. I mean, I literally feel my throat dry and my chest tighten. "He's just a person, a human being," I have to remind myself, "he blinks, he yawns, he brushes his teeth...he is human!"

So I have been in contact with Great Date since our great date, and maybe it's precisely because of the great date, but I perceive Great Date to be one of those very attractive guys. And that makes me nervous. Thus far, I've had negative experiences with very attractive guys. They all know they're good looking, they know they're rare, they know they can get virtually any chick they want, and they know they can get away with having little or no personality.

So far, Great Date seems like a genuinely nice guy. And I'm bracing myself for something bad to happen. I worry as to whether Great Date actually likes me or if I turned him off by some inadvertent faux pas. The Naysayer assures me that Great Date does like me (unlike Non Emailer); otherwise, GD wouldn't be calling me and asking me to hang out like he is. Still though. A nagging thought persists: He is just too attractive for me. He could get any girl, specifically girls ten times prettier than I am. Now I know I'm not an abomination of nature, but I ain't Jessica Alba. Why me? Could it be -- he likes me for my personality?

No, can't be.

Maybe it's like that Twilight Zone episode where there's this alternate universe where all the beautiful people were considered hideous and all the people you and I would perceive as deformed were considered beautiful. Maybe Great Date is from that universe? I can hear the Naysayer voice right now saying "You're being stupid."

Anyhow, I'm going to just go with the flow and not worry about it. Because, as everyone knows, I never worry.


Anonymous said...

Think positively!

Question for you. Say you go on a date with a guy and it goes well. When should he call you? The next night? Two nights later. Assume that you are sn introverted, busy woman.

Yellow Lawyer

Yellow Gal said...

The rule seems to be that a guy should call the girl 2-3 days after the first date. Most girls consider one week to be unacceptable. This also seems to be the rule applicable to calling a girl after first getting her number.

Anonymous said...

Say a guy calls the and leaves a voicemail message. Girl is with friends that night or can't get the phone. When should she call back? What if she is not interested in the guy? Does she ignore him completely or send an e-mail?

Yellow Gal said...

If the guy calls on a Monday or Tuesday, he may be making plans for the weekend, so I would probably call within one day, two days max.

If a guy had just met a girl, asked for her number and called her, leaving her a voicemail, and the girl is not interested in the guy, she does not have to call him back or email him.

Some girls won't even call a guy back after a first date, though this is a subject of debate. However after two dates, the girl should probably call back to say she's not interested.

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