Friday, March 02, 2007

Waiting by the computer (a.k.a. musings of a stupid neurotic girl who may or may not like a guy who may or may not like her back)

I had met you a couple weeks ago at a business event. We’ve hung out (in a group of course) a couple times since. We chatted a bit; we seemed to connect pretty well. I thought you were cool and so I gave you my business card.

I’m not sure as to whether or not I like you. And so when you followed up the following Monday with a short friendly email to my work address to just me, not the group, but just me, I thought, well, maybe. You asked in your email for my personal email address. I responded accordingly and quipped about the weather. You responded and – unsolicited – volunteered your non-work email address. We shot a couple emails back and forth. And that was it. All of this occurred on Monday.

Today is Friday. Why the hell haven’t you emailed me yet?! Why would someone ask for a spoon if they weren’t going to use it? Similarly, why would you ask for my personal email address if you weren’t going to email me? Am I supposed to email you? Both guy and gal pals advise against my emailing you. “Let him come to you,” they tell me. “But he’s not!” I insist. “He will,” they say.

But you haven’t. Like I said, today is Friday.

So the question on my mind is, was your email a purely professional gesture? According to the Naysayer, guys don’t affirmatively “follow up” with girls asking for their personal email addresses unless there was some modicum of interest (hopefully non-professional, if not unprofessional).

But then again, maybe you’re one of those guys who go above and beyond to extend your network of business contacts. You like to garner the personal email addresses of all potential clients because it establishes camaraderie, rapport and all that other bull shit.

Yet, if it was purely professional, then why, after already having my business email, would you ask for my personal email?

It is this tiny thread of logic upon which I hinge my hope that you may like me back. Pathetic, I know.

So I am meeting up with my guy friend later. I keep imagining that he and I will bump into you while we’re downtown and that once you see me with this strange gentleman, you’ll be overcome with a fit of jealousy so unbearable that you will have no choice but to do what you haven’t done all week – email me.

So let’s cut all this nonsense out. Save some room on End the speculation.

Email me.


Anonymous said...

The odds are almost certain that one of the following is true:

a) He likes you at least a little, but is not yet into you enough to go for an all out pursuit.

b) He still likes you, but is busy, distracted or tied up for some awful reason.

You get odds from me, but no advice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other commenter. He's definately interested in some way, which is why he asked for your personal e-mail. Hey, it's hard for us guys sometimes to come up with a good e-mail that will captivate the girl's interest.

Then again, what do I know? I'm home on this Sat. night.

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