Sunday, May 13, 2007

Tying up loose ends

So I had called the Naysayer, probably five times in the last 24 hours, complaining about the guy formerly known as GD. (I guess I can still call him GD because our first date was still a great date.) After listening to me wallow in self-pity and self-doubt, he said, "Yellow Gal, you were beginnning to not like him anyway."

I paused and thought about that. Granted, there were a couple times when I mentioned to the Naysayer that GD didn't have that witty slightly sarcastic sense of humor that I love so much. And I may have mentioned that GD and I didn't seem to have that many deep, profound conversations, which I suppose is somewhat important to me. So maybe there were warning signs in the horizon that this was not going to work out.

But still. Ignore me? For several consecutive days? Especially the entire weekend, when for the past few weekends we've been spending virtually every waking second together? This is particularly surprising since he's the type of guy who, if he has a problem or has something to say, he will say it. Not be passive aggressive. Not play games. So what gives?

Part of me is tempted to call him and just say, "What is going on? Call a spade a spade. Tell me what's up." Two girlfriends are in favor of this cut-the-bullshit approach. While the Naysayer and another girlfriend are not. The last couple of times GD and I had contact, it was I initiating contact (me calling him, me texting him) and him passively (perhaps reluctantly?) responding. I had mistakenly thought that oh, we both like each other, we know we like each other, F the Rules, I can just call him.

But he's not contacting me. So I guess he's just not that into me. Now that's solved, there are a couple of sticky things: (1) his best friend and one of my best friends are siblings and live together, no less, and (2) I left some of my clothes at his place.

Do people just let it go? I really like the clothes I left there. I wonder what he's done with them. Hide them away from other girls he invites over? Burn them? Stow them with the collection of other girls' items left over fom previous non-relationships?

Anyway, for some reason, I suspect that I will hear from him sometime next week. Perhaps Monday or Tuesday. At that point, I'll just casually ask for my stuff. We'll see what happens.


Anonymous said...

As you know, I like the non-BS approach. You'll probably get a BS response, at least partially, but chances are high that you'll get more of the truth than you would have otherwise.

As for the clothes, definitely ask for them back.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that it didn't work out with GD.

I can't stand the "ignoring" way of responding. He should have given the courtesy call/e-mail.

Yes, as for the clothes, definately ask for them back--though he really should have offered to return them or given them to the common friends (the bro/sis). Looks like you got some fun. Hee hee.

Yellow Lawyer

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