Thursday, July 07, 2005

Oh, to be a bitch.

One thing I admire about some people is their resilience. I am twenty-seven years old, but part of me feels like a little girl. Always looking outside of herself for the approval of others. Sulking when criticized. Beaming when praised.

Oh, to be a bitch.

The bitch could give two shits about people's approval. If people kiss her ass, she shrugs. If people put her down, she shrugs. Constructive and warranted criticisms are duly noted. She doesn't dwell on what/how/why it went wrong. She takes it in and moves on. If people call her a bitch, she doesn't give a shit enough to even retort. She keeps on walking in high heel stiletto boots, planning her next move, ensuring her next success. If someone breaks her heart, she learns that a man with qualities x, y, and z is not the right man for her. She does grieve (after all she is human), but she maintains the belief that she will find someone good, someone right, someone deserving. When someone insults her, it never gets to her. She's too good for that. She is self-aware. She knows she's not perfect, but she knows what she's good at, works at it, and strives always to improve.

She is strong, she is relentless, she is confident and poised. She is a resilient woman. Never weak. Never defeated. Not a little girl.

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