Friday, December 08, 2006

Really fun boys

Being unceremoniously blown off (a.k.a. being dumped) is a very interesting phenomenon. My theory is that a girl goes through the five stages of grief when a guy tacitly dumps her by never contacting her ever again.

There's no way he's dumping me. I'm a catch! I got it going on. Plus he used the words "we" and "couple" the other day. No, he is just busy with work. Or in a coma.

What the f***?! Why the f*** isn't he f***ing calling me? That f***ing **** ********* piece of ****! F*** him!

Oh, if he'd only just call me, I'll lose more weight, I'll dress better, I won't make fun of Star Jones.

My life sucks. I'm dumb, vapid and ugly. And I still don't know how to parallel park. I will therefore die alone next to my cat Fluffy.

Yep I got dumped. That wasn't too fun. But I survived. Next!

In case the reader can't tell, I am amidst the angst of being unceremoniously blown off, no less by the very very cute guy.

First, I ponder over what I did wrong. Then I think, dude, I didn't do anything wrong. Then I wonder, wtf, how can I let one guy, one guy, get to me like this? And then I realize, the downside to being a hopeful romantic optimist (i.e. a dumbass) is inevitable disappointment.

So to correct one of my previous posts, boys aren't just fun, they're really fun!

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