Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gratuitous superiority

Yellow Gal hasn't posted in a really long time. In the last few days, she moved from Medium City to Big City, almost became homeless, scrubbed her old apartment at the mercy of a relentlessly clean landlord with a variety of cleaners and sponges (including an industrial cleaner that seared her eyes, skin and throat, and a toothbrush) and was subsequently robbed on the train on the way to the Big City airport. Robbers took Yellow Gal's wallet and proceeded to shop with her Discover Card at various stores, including a jewelry store.

Yellow Gal becomes incensed when other people complain to her about the wrong shade of yellow their post-its are or how their 9 karat diamond is actually 8.9 karats. First, such complaints are empirically, ontologically trivial. Second, they are being insensitive. Third, they make anyone whose problems are bigger than theirs (which is 99.9999% of the world population) feel shittier. It is perhaps akin to someone with a sprained ankle complaining how shitty his life is to a quadriplegic. To the quadriplegic, if a sprained ankled life is shitty, then what is the life of a quadriplegic?

Yet at the same time, Yellow Gal feels smugly superior because these imbeciles will never be able to appreciate what they have nor can they ever be happy because they will always find something to complain about. Yellow Gal, all the while, remains resilient and rolls with the punches. She sits squarely on her high horse and watches as her counterparts wail and flail in their cesspool of self-induced self-pity and hypochondriacal misery.

It is all very amusing. She just hopes she doesn't fall in.

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