Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Beating a dead horse

I googled "why isn't he calling me." Here was an an article aptly entitled Why Doesn't He Call Me? below:
Do you have a man that doesn't call you or return your calls? There could be many reasons why. Here are some ideas so you can figure out why he might not be calling you.

The Game

Some guys play the game when they start dating somebody. They don't want to come off as too desperate, so they will not call you for a few days. This usually occurs over a couple of days or so. It's completely normal and can actually mean the guy cares about keeping you around. If it spans more than a couple of days though, it's overkill, and the guy is probably not worth your time.


Your man might be a player if he calls you to go out, then afterwards you don't hear from him again for 2 weeks to a month. He calls again wanting another date. He has other priorities and only considers you to be something to fall back on when he has nobody else available. Spin it around and never return his phone calls.


If your man is officially your boyfriend, he should be calling you at least once per day on average. Being too busy is no excuse. Everybody should have at least 5 minutes to say hello to their girlfriend. Kick him to the curb if he can't make time.

Busy Job?

If he has a busy job, any man should have at least 5 minutes of time to just say "Hey!" Many men use their jobs as an excuse to not have to call while living it up with the boys. Be careful, he might legitimately not be able to get to a phone if he travels a lot, but chances are you're just not important enough for him to care about. You deserve a man that's not too busy for you.

Online Chat

Chatting can be considered equivalent to a phone call. Many people now prefer chat over a phone call because they can multitask on their computer while they converse. It is also much cheaper than a phone call. Don't expect as many phone calls if you are able to chat with him.

Use your best judgement. There is no one answer as to why your man isn't calling you. However, if you feel you are being reasonable as to how much you require your man to call you and you are still uncomfortable, you might want to reconsider why you're with him. Move on to somebody else that will call you and give you the security.
Ok. I think I know all of this already. I just like to pretend that I don't.

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