Sunday, August 19, 2007

A break

I think I need a break. Everything is starting to get to me. Everyone is starting to annoy me. The city is beginning to grate on my nerves, and I think I've just been in a city environment for way too long.

I need to go somewhere where firetrucks, ambulances and police car sirens aren't blaring every other hour, at 3 am, 5 am, 7 am, and so on. Where people aren't walking too slowly when you need to get somewhere in five minutes. Where cars don't honk their horns at you and drivers don't yell "fuck you" when you have the right of way. Where plans with people, checklists at work, piles of laundry, unanswered emails, and unreturned phone calls don't continuously weigh upon you with each passing second.

I want to drop everything and go away. A lightly-sanded beach with aqua water with nobody except a personal bartender/masseur at my beck and call. I want to breathe in air that smells like the sea, free of car exhaust and horse shit and stale Marlboro Lights. I want to exhale and feel light and unburdened and free.

I need a break. Or else I'll break.

1 comment:

Whatchamacalit said...

I totally know what you mean. I've wanted to strangle various people all week and everything and everyone annoys me lately. So I just booked a trip out of town with a childhood buddy for our birthdays to get away from everything. Just the thought of looking forward to that already has me smiling. I highly recommend doing something like that too. Good luck!

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