Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mr. Wrong

There is no point in liking a guy when there is no future.
There is no point in being with a guy when there is no future.
There is no point in falling in love with a guy when there is no future.

There are thousands of other men, eligible men, who can make a gal happy. Why choose the one who is guaranteed to make a gal unhappy? Why write off other eligible men on account of their abnormally long pinky toes, slightly crooked smiles or off-white socks? Why screen their calls and ignore them for a guy who is just plain wrong? Why is it the wrong one who feels so right? Why is it the wrong one who is so impossible to resist? Why is it the wrong one who takes the fact that there is no future and turns it into something so marginal and forgettable? Why is it the wrong one who makes a gal ignore all of her friends, her conscience and her better judgment? Why is it the wrong one who knows exactly how to make a gal feel beautiful?

There's just no point, no matter how exquisite it feels, how perfect he seems, how passionate it all is. He's just wrong.

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panda said...
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