Sunday, January 28, 2007

It goes.

She had a problem. A mindset problem. It's something she knew she could fix. She just needed to want to fix it. The solution to her problem was simple: Just let it go. Her problem was similarly simple: Little things irritated her.

The little things varied in scope. It could be the guy pushing the "close" button from inside the elevator incessantly even though he sees her running towards the elevator yelling "Hold the door!" or a co-worker rolling his eyes at her because she put a little too much skim in his grande americano. "Let it go," she would think to herself. "Just let it go."

"But hold on a sec," she would think, "What the F? It's not the little thing that's irritating me, it's the principle! And that person is just wrong."

Negativity appeared to be contagious. So a part of her wondered, Why did she let it get to her instead of letting it go? Did she enjoy being pissy and irritable? No. Then why the heck did she dwell on the elevator guy or grande americano dude?

Then she realized it. She was holding onto her irritation. Clung to it, actually, like a bratty baby. In a world where she had absolutely no control, where small acts of meanness just grinded against her mood like sandpaper, the only way she could exert some semblance of control was to be mad back. Being angry was a way to avoid being the victim and doormat to the world's bitchiness. Anger was proud, self-righteous and, most importantly, justified.

But that mindset was not healthy and probably not the path to happiness, much less world peace. Negativity was not only contagious, but virtually epidemic nowadays. So instead of allowing it to breed, she resolved to just let it stop where it began. Let the elevator door close. Let the eyes roll. Let it go.

Just let it go.

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