Saturday, May 16, 2009


I called my ex today just to update him on some good news. He was snide and dismissive. I really have no idea as to why I keep in touch with the guy. Is it delusional to think one can be friends with an ex? Obviously we each have moved on - he with his girlfriend, I with my boyfriend. And it's literally been six years since our relationship ended.

I suppose a part of my visceral reaction stems from his ability to get under my skin. He is very sarcastic and snide. Beyond David Spade.

Well, I always say we should cut out people from our lives who add nothing positive to our lives. I've done it before, and I'm more than happy to do it again.

1 comment:

Whatchamacalit said...

I've never understood the concept of staying friends with exes. I'm of the camp that's all for throwing all of them in a giant hole far far away. Power to you for being so patient and nostalgic, but if he's not even nice to you or a supportive friend, then buh bye!

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