Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Conversations with an Asian Parent

Conversation 1:

Asian kid: "Look I got an A on my test!"

Asian parent: "Did you get a 100%?"

Asian kid: "No...a 97%."

Asian parent: "What did you get wrong?"

Asian kid: "A couple questions on--"

Asian parent: "I thought you said you studied."

Asian kid: "I did!"

Asian parent: "If you studied, you would have gotten a 100%. You didn't. You didn't study hard enough."

Asian kid: "I did study hard..."

Asian parent: "How many other people got A's?"

Asian kid: "I don't know..."

Asian parent: "So maybe everyone got a 100% and you got a 97%?"

Asian kid: "I don't know..."

Asian parent: " 'I don't know'? 'I don't know' is why you got 97%, not 100%. Study more next time."

Conversation 2:

Asian kid: "Hey I learned Rachmanonov's Piano Concerto No. 3!"

Asian parent: "How old are you? 12 now? Jenny Lee learned that when she was 10."

Asian kid: "It's really hard..."

Asian kid: "Well, if you were smarter or worked harder, you would have learned it before Jenny Lee. You must either be dumber or lazier. Study more next time."


Conversation 3:

Asian kid: "Hey I got into Harvard!"

Asian parent: "And?"

Asian kid: "And...I got in! I'm so excited!"

Asian parent: "No scholarship?"

Asian kid: "No..."

Asian parent: "Hm, you didn't study enough."

Asian kid: "But...it's...Harvard."

Asian parent: "If you studied harder, you would have gotten scholarship."

Asian kid: "I was valedictorian of my class--"

Asian parent: "Study more next time."

Some stereotypes have a ring of truth to them.


Yellow Lawyer said...

Most stereotypes have some truth but that doesn't mean they are necessarily reflective of the entire cultural/ethnic group. What you mentioned is prob. more first generation immigrant talking to their second generation american born kids.

so where did you get your degrees?

Yellow Gal said...

My degrees are from "aight" schools. i.e., not from the HYP Trinity. (I realize of course that that narrows it down to several thousand schools, heh.)

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